
lost and found

The most valuable piece of advice I have received thus far in Italy is let yourself get lost. It is during these times that I have discovered the hidden and most valuable aspects of this city. Walking only five minutes from our apartment we found ourselves in the small side streets of trastevere, our quaint section of Rome that we are beginning to call home. 

 a small glimpse of the character of trastevere
 ivy covered homes
 film earrings at a small vintage shop
awaiting repair

While only traveling through a small section of the neighborhood, covering three or four streets we were able to further understand the attraction to our area. Beyond the commercial supermarkets and department stores lies a completely different world. It would take a lifetime to travel through every part of Rome, but each day I plan to take time to get lost, never knowing what I will find.



4108 miles from home in Rome, each corner I turn brings with it something unknown, yet beautiful

 view from the top of the Aventine Hill
 roman fashion
 simple charm
 egg based fettuccine dough
 vintage hotel in monte verdo
discovering the light

Until I recover from the jet lag, pictures will serve as words. Ciao